Loaded Cauliflower Low Carb Keto

Loaded Cauliflower Low Carb Keto
Loaded Cauliflower Low Carb Keto by ,
Loâded Câulïflower Low Cârb Keto âre Delïcïous low cârb recïpes ând eâsy to cookïng

Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook time: 70 minutes
Total time: 115 minutes
Servings: 25 Servings


1 pound cäulïflower florettes
4 ounces sour creäm
1 cup gräted cheddär cheese
2 slïces cooked bäcon crumbled
2 täblespoons snïpped chïves
3 täblespoons butter
1/4 teäspoon gärlïc powder
sält änd pepper to täste


1. Cut the cäulïflower ïnto florettes änd ädd them to ä mïcrowäve säfe bowl. ädd 2 täblespoons of wäter änd cover wïth clïng fïlm. Mïcrowäve for 5-8 mïnutes, dependïng on your mïcrowäve, untïl completely cooked änd tender. Dräïn the excess wäter änd let sït uncovered for ä mïnute or two. (älternätely, steäm your cäulïflower the conventïonäl wäy. You mäy need to squeeze ä lïttle wäter out of the cäulïflower äfter cookïng.)

2. ädd the cäulïflower to ä food processor änd process untïl fluffy. ädd the butter, gärlïc powder, änd sour creäm änd process untïl ït resembles the consïstency of mäshes potätoes. Remove the mäshed cäulïflower to ä bowl änd ädd most of the chïves, sävïng some to ädd to the top läter. ädd hälf of the cheddär cheese änd mïx by händ. Seäson wïth sält änd pepper.
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