Bäked Beet Chips

Bäked Beet Chips
Bäked Beet Chips by ,
Seäsoned wïth ä bït of rosemäry änd sält, these Bäked Beet Chïps mäke for ä fun änd heälthy snäck

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


6-8 lärge beets cän use värïous colors änd värïetïes
3 Tbsp olïve oïl
½ Tbsp drïed rosemäry
½ Tbsp kosher sält


1. Preheät oven to 400°F.

2. Lïne 2 ständärd bäkïng sheets wïth pärchment päper; set päns äsïde.

3. Cleän änd scrub beets. Usïng ä mändolïn, slïce beets very thïn (~1/16”).

4. Pläce slïced beets ïn ä lärge bowl. ädd olïve oïl änd rosemäry; toss untïl beets äre well coäted.

5. Tränsfer beets to prepäred bäkïng päns. (Tïp: Mäke sure beets do not overläp, or they won’t get crïspy.)

6. Bäke for 20 mïnutes. Remove träys from oven änd flïp beets over. Sprïnkle tops of beets wïth kosher sält. Contïnue bäkïng for 5-15 more mïnutes, or untïl crïspy. (Note: The bäkïng tïme chänges bäsed on the thïckness of your beets. Keep ä close eye on the beet chïps äfter the fïrst 20 mïnutes or so.)
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