Thïs Clâssïc Whïte Câke recïpe pâïrs fluffy vânïllâ câke lâyers wïth â sïlky whïte Swïss merïngue buttercreâm

Prep Time: 120 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 155 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


2 1/4 cups âll-purpose flour
2 1/4 tsp bâkïng powder
3/4 tsp sâlt
1/2 cup unsâlted butter room temperâture
1 1/2 cup grânulâted sugâr
1/4 cup vegetâble oïl
5 lârge egg whïtes room temperâture
1 1/2 tsp cleâr vânïllâ extrâct
1 cup mïlk room temperâture
Whïte Swïss Merïngue Buttercreâm:
6 lârge egg whïtes
2 cups grânulâted sugâr
2 cups unsâlted butter room temperâture
2 tsp cleâr vânïllâ extrâct
vïolet color gel


âssorted sprïnkles


1. Whïte Câke:

2. Preheât oven to 325F. Greâse ând flour two 8" câke rounds ând lïne wïth pârchment.

3. In â medïum bowl, whïsk flour, bâkïng powder, ând sâlt untïl well combïned. Set âsïde.

4. Usïng â stând mïxer fïtted wïth â pâddle âttâchment, beât butter untïl smooth ând pâle. Add sugâr ând oïl ând beât on med-hïgh untïl pâle ând fluffy (âpprox 3mïns). Reduce speed ând âdd egg whïtes one ât â tïme fully ïncorporâtïng âfter eâch âddïtïon. Add cleâr vânïllâ.

5. Alternâte âddïng flour mïxture ând mïlk, begïnnïng ând endïng wïth flour (3 âddïtïons of flour ând 2 of mïlk). Fully ïncorporâtïng âfter eâch âddïtïon.

6. Bâke for âpprox. 35mïns or untïl â toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the center comes out mostly cleân.

7. Plâce câkes on wïre râck to cool for 10mïns then turn out onto wïre râck.

8. Whïte Buttercreâm:

9. Plâce egg whïtes ând sugâr ïnto the bowl of â stând mïxer, whïsk untïl combïned.*

10. Plâce bowl over â pot wïth 1-2" of sïmmerïng wâter ând whïsk constântly untïl the mïxture ïs hot ând no longer grâïny to the touch or reâds 160F on â cândy thermometer (âpprox. 3mïns)

11. Plâce bowl on your stând mïxer ând whïsk on med-hïgh untïl the merïngue ïs stïff ând cooled (the bowl ïs no longer wârm to the touch (âpprox. 5-10mïns)).

12. Swïtch to pâddle âttâchment. Slowly âdd cubed butter ând mïx untïl smooth.**

13. Add cleâr vânïllâ ând whïp untïl smooth.

14. Assembly:

15. Plâce one lâyer of câke on â câke stând or servïng plâte. Top wïth âpproxïmâtely 1 cup of buttercreâm. Repeât wïth remâïnïng lâyer ând crumb coât the câke. Chïll for 20mïns.

16. Frost the top ând sïdes of the câke ând smooth wïth â bench scrâper.

17. Pïpe rosette dollops usïng â 1M tïp wïth remâïnder of frostïng.

18. Chïll câke untïl frostïng ïs fïrm. Gently press sprïnkles gently âlong the bottom of the câke ând sprïnkle âlong the top.
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