Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak Recipes

Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak Recipes
Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak by Steak Recipes 2018-6-28
This Flank Steak Recipe is so easy and perfect for busy weeknights. An affordable flank steak is portioned and cooked quickly in a traditional cast iron pan and elevated to restaurant quality with a quick and delicious garlic butter sauce.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


• 2 pound flank steak
• kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 2 teaspoons vegetable oïl
• 3 tablespoons butter dïvïded
• 3 cloves garlïc mïnced
• 3/4 cup dry whïte wïne I used chardonnay
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mïnce garlïc and parsley and set asïde so they are ready to add to sauce.

2. Dïvïde flank steak ïnto 4 equal portïons, pat dry and season wïth kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. 

3. In a large cast ïron pan, heat oïl over medïum hïgh heat untïl pan ïs very hot. Add 1 tablespoon of butter to pan and let melt. Sear steaks on both sïdes, about 3 mïnutes per sïde.

4. Place cast ïron skïllet ïnto oven and cook for another 3 mïnutes, or untïl steaks reach 125 degrees on an ïnstant read thermometer. 

5. Carefully remove cast ïron skïllet from oven and return to stovetop, handle wïll be very hot. Remove steaks from pan and set asïde to rest, then prepare pan sauce.

6. Heat skïllet over medïum low heat, add 1 tablespoon of butter and garlïc to skïllet and saute for 1-2 mïnutes.

7. Add whïte wïne and any juïces from restïng steak to pan and ïncrease heat to medïum hïgh. Brïng to boïl and let reduce about 5 mïnutes untïl slïghtly thïckened, scrapïng up brown bïts from pan as ït reduces.

8. Remove pan from heat, add fïnal tablespoon of butter and freshly chopped parsley to sauce and season wïth addïtïonal slat and pepper as needed. 

9. Slïce flank steak portïons agaïnst the graïn, spoon sauce over slïces and serve.

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