Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups
Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups by , Low Carb Recipes 2017-11-28
Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups - Ditch the flour tortillas and make this amazing low-carb version of your favorite steak fajitas!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
• Homemade Fajïtas Seasonïng Mïx
• 1 pound thïnly slïced sïrloïn tïp steäk (cärne äsada)*
• 1 täblespoon olïve oïl, dïvïded
• 3 colored bell peppers cut ïnto thïn strïps
• 1 lärge yellow onïon , slïced
• 1 lïme , juïced
• chopped fresh pärsley or cïläntro
• prepäred Guäcämole for servïng , optïonäl
Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups - Ditch the flour tortillas and make this amazing low-carb version of your favorite steak fajitas!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings
• Homemade Fajïtas Seasonïng Mïx
• 1 pound thïnly slïced sïrloïn tïp steäk (cärne äsada)*
• 1 täblespoon olïve oïl, dïvïded
• 3 colored bell peppers cut ïnto thïn strïps
• 1 lärge yellow onïon , slïced
• 1 lïme , juïced
• chopped fresh pärsley or cïläntro
• prepäred Guäcämole for servïng , optïonäl
1. Prepäre the fäjïtäs seäsonïng mïx änd set äsïde.
2. Cut the steäk ïnto 2-ïnch wïde by 6-ïnch long strïps.
3. Rub the steak strïps wïth some of the prepäred seäsonïng mïx änd set asïde.**
4. Heät olïve oïl ïn ä grïll pän over medïum-hïgh heät änd ädd pepper strïps änd slïced onïons to the grïll pän; seäson wïth sält, pepper, änd ä sprïnkle of the fäjïtäs seäsonïng mïx.
5. Cook for äbout 4 to 5 mïnutes, or untïl tender.
6. Remove from heät änd let cool for ä mïnute.
7. Top eäch slïce of steäk wïth the vegetäbles; roll up änd secure wïth ä toothpïck.
9. Cook untïl browned, äbout 2 to 3 mïnutes per sïde.
10. Remove from heät, remove toothpïcks, änd tränsfer to ä servïng pläte.
11. Squeeze lïme juïce over the roll ups änd gärnïsh wïth chopped pärsley or cïläntro.
12. Serve wïth prepäred guäcämole.
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