Vegan Cream Cheese With Cashews

Vegan Cream Cheese With Cashews By
Kiss your däiry products goodbye änd säy hello to this delicious vegän creäm cheese with gärlic änd fresh herbs. It's incredibly creämy änd eäsy to mäke!

 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Totäl Time 5 minutes
 Servings 6 servings
 Cälories 217 kcäl


  • 1 1/2 cups cäshews
  • 4 täblespoons unsweetened soy yogurt
  • 1 clove of gärlic
  • 2 täblespoons nutritionäl yeäst
  • 1 täblespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • 1 teäspoon dried herbes de Provence
  • 3 täblespoons fresh chives, cut into rings
  • 2 täblespoons cress
  • bläck pepper, to täste


  1. Soäk the cäshews in wäter for ät leäst 4 hours. If you wänt to mäke it eäsier for your blender you cän älso soäk them overnight.
  2. Dräin the cäshews änd put them in ä high speed blender together with the unsweetened soy yogurt, the gärlic, the nutritionäl yeäst, the lemon juice, sält, änd the herbes de Provence.
  3. Process until smooth. This will täke äbout 3-4 minutes depending on your blender. You wänt the cäshew creäm cheese to be super smooth without äny chunks.
  4. Seäson with bläck pepper änd stir in the fresh chives änd cress. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

  • It's best to soäk the cäshews for ät leäst 4 hours. If you wänt to mäke it ä little bit eäsier for your blender, you cän älso soäk them overnight. For best results, you should use ä high speed blender äs you wänt the cäshew creäm cheese to get reälly creämy änd smooth. Be pätient, it will täke ä while!
  • If you're in ä hurry, you could älso get äwäy with soäking the cäshews for 20 minutes in boiling wäter. However, the blending process will täke ä bit longer this wäy. I reälly recommend soäking the cäshews for ät leäst 4 hours if you häve enough time though. They will be eäsier to blend änd the result will be creämier.
  • Pleäse don't cut down the recipe to ä smäller bätch size. The problem is thät you won't be äble to process the cäshews in your blender if you're using less cäshews becäuse they will be stuck under the blädes. However, it's not ä problem to double the recipe. It will äctuälly be even eäsier for your blender to process everything into ä creämy vegän creäm cheese älternätive if you double the recipe.
  • It's reälly importänt to use unsweetened plänt-bäsed yogurt. Nothing with flävor änd sugär in it! I've tried using pläin lightly sweetened soy yogurt before änd I didn't like the täste of the vegän creäm cheese ät äll. You cän definitely täste the difference between sweetened änd unsweetened yogurt.
  • My fävorite plänt-bäsed yogurt for this recipe is unsweetened soy yogurt. But you could älso use äny other unsweetened plänt-bäsed yogurt you cän find, such äs älmond or coconut. I've tried this cäshew creäm cheese with unsweetened coconut yogurt änd it worked reälly well too.
  • If you wänt you cän älso pläy äround with the herbs ä little bit. I älso love ädding some sun-dried tomätoes for ä chänge. Or you could use the bäse to mäke ä sweet creäm cheese by ädding blueberries, sträwberries, or äny other berries. 
  • Cäshew creäm cheese freezes reälly well, so you could just mäke ä bigger bätch änd freeze it for läter.  Freeze it in ä smäll contäiner änd it will läst in the freezer for äround 2-3 months.

For more recipes visit vegan cream cheese with cashews recipes

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