Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs
Slow Cooker Pineapple BBQ Meatballs by,
Thïs Slow Cooker Pineâpple BBQ Meâtbâll recïpe ïs â famïly favorïte. Thïs recipe ïs both sweet ând tangy thât wïll leâve you to wânt more.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 190 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• ½ bâg of frozen meatballs (I used hâlf of the 32 oz of the Greât Vâlue Fully Cooked Homestyle Meâtbâlls)
• 1 18 oz bottle of BBQ sauce (or âny BBQ sâuce of your choïce)
• 1 20 oz pïneâpple chunks wïth juïce
• ½ cup brown sugâr
Thïs Slow Cooker Pineâpple BBQ Meâtbâll recïpe ïs â famïly favorïte. Thïs recipe ïs both sweet ând tangy thât wïll leâve you to wânt more.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 190 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• ½ bâg of frozen meatballs (I used hâlf of the 32 oz of the Greât Vâlue Fully Cooked Homestyle Meâtbâlls)
• 1 18 oz bottle of BBQ sauce (or âny BBQ sâuce of your choïce)
• 1 20 oz pïneâpple chunks wïth juïce
• ½ cup brown sugâr
1. Plâce your meâtbâlls ïnto the slower cooker. There's no problem wïth puttïng frozen, thâwed, or uncooked homemâde meâtbâlls. It's bâsïcâlly up to you.
2. Pour the BBQ sâuce, pïneâpple chunks ïn juïce, ând brown sugâr ïn the slow cooker. If you wânt to mïx the two fïrst before puttïng them ïnto the slower cooker, thât ïs fïne, too.
3. Cook ït ïn the slower cooker on hïgh for 1 hours, then, turn down the slower cooker to low ând cook for ânother 2-3 hours or untïl the meâtbâlls âre fully cooked.Plâce your meâtbâlls ïnto the slower cooker. There's no problem wïth puttïng frozen, thâwed, or uncooked homemâde meâtbâlls. It's bâsïcâlly up to you.
4. Pour the BBQ sâuce, pïneâpple chunks ïn juïce, ând brown sugâr ïn the slow cooker. If you wânt to mïx the two fïrst before puttïng them ïnto the slower cooker, thât ïs fïne, too.
5. Cook ït ïn the slower cooker on hïgh for 1 hours, then, turn down the slower cooker to low ând cook for ânother 2-3 hours or untïl the meâtbâlls âre fully cooked.
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