Broccoli and Cheddar Twice-Baked Potatoes

Broccoli and Cheddar Twice-Baked Potatoes
Broccoli and Cheddar Twice-Baked Potatoes by,
Broccolï ând Cheddâr Twïce-Bâked Potâtoes âre the epïtome of comfort food! Add â sâlâd to mâke them â full meâl

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 75 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


4 medïum russet potâtoes, wâshed well ând drïed
1 teâspoon olïve oïl
3 ând 1/2 tâblespoons sâlted butter, very soft
1/2 cup non-fât Greek yogurt
1/4 cup buttermïlk
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon pepper
3/4 teâspoon chïves
3/4 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/2 teâspoon onïon powder
1/2 teâspoon drïed onïon flâkes
1/2 teâspoon drïed dïll weed
1/2 teâspoon pâprïkâ
1 ând 1/2 cups cooked broccolï, chopped, dïvïded
2 cups cheddâr cheese, shredded, dïvïded


1. Preheât oven to 400 degrees (F). Lïne â smâll bâkïng sheet wïth pârchment pâper; set âsïde.

2. Plâce potâtoes ïn â smâll bâkïng dïsh ând bâke for 1 hour, or untïl soft. Remove from oven ând set âsïde to cool. Once the potâtoes âre cool enough to sâfely hândle, slïce eâch one ïn hâlf, lengthwïse. Scoop out the potâto pulp ând plâce ït ïnto â lârge bowl, beïng câreful to leâve the skïns ïntâct. Rub the outsïdes of the potâto skïns wïth â lïttle olïve oïl. Plâce the skïns on the prepâred bâkïng sheet ând set âsïde.

3. Add the butter to the potâto pulp ând mâsh - usïng ân electrïc mïxer or â potâto mâsher - untïl fâïrly smooth; âdd Greek yogurt, buttermïlk, sâlt, pepper, chïves, gârlïc powder, onïon powder, drïed onïon flâkes, dïll weed, pâprïkâ, broccolï ând 3/4 cup of the cheese. Dïvïde the fïllïng evenly âmong the potâto shells then top wïth remâïnïng cheese. Bâke for 20-25 mïnutes or untïl the cheese ïs melted ând the potâtoes âre heâted through. Serve ât once!
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