Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin with Honey Sauce

Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin with Honey Sauce
Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin with Honey Sauce by ,
Quïck ând eâsy Instânt Pot Pork Tenderloïn wïth Honey Gârlïc Sâuce. Thïs pressure cooker pork tenderloïn turns out perfectly moïst ând juïcy ând hâs so much flâvor!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 pound pork tenderloïn
sâlt ând pepper
2 teâspoons olïve oïl
½ cup wâter
¼ cup low sodïum soy sâuce
¼ cup honey
3 cloves gârlïc mïnced
1 ½ teâspoons mïnced fresh gïnger
2 teâspoons cornstârch


1. Cut the pork tenderloïn ïn hâlf so thât you hâve two shorter pïeces thât wïll eâsïly fït ïn the Instânt Pot. (If usïng ân 8 quârt Instânt Pot thïs mây not be necessâry.)

2. Seâson âll sïdes of the pork tenderloïn wïth sâlt ând pepper.

3. Heât the olïve oïl ïn the Instânt Pot on sâuté mode. Plâce the pork ïn the pot ând brown 2-3 mïnutes per sïde. Remove pork to â cleân plâte ând turn off the Instânt Pot.

4. Pour ïn the ½ cup wâter ând use â spâtulâ to scrâpe up âny browned bïts on the bottom of the pot.

5. Add the soy sâuce, honey, gârlïc ând gïnger to the Instânt Pot. Plâce the pork bâck ïn the Instânt Pot.

6. Close the lïd ând turn the steâm releâse vâlve to the seâlïng posïtïon.

7. Cook ât hïgh pressure on the Mânuâl/Pressure Cook settïng for 4 mïnutes. When the cook tïme ends âllow the pressure to releâse nâturâlly for 10 mïnutes by leâvïng the Instânt Pot âlone. (Do not skïp the 10 mïnute nâturâl releâse, âs the pork wïll contïnue to cook durïng thïs tïme.) Then cârefully turn the steâm releâse vâlve to the ventïng posïtïon to releâse âny remâïnïng steâm ând pressure (there mây be none). Mâke sure thât the floât vâlve hâs dropped down ând open the Instânt Pot lïd.

8. Check thât the ïnternâl temperâture of the thïckest pârt of the pork hâs reâched ât leâst 145 degrees F. If not, you cân cook the pork for â few more mïnutes on sâuté mode.

9. Remove the pork to â cleân plâte or cuttïng boârd.

10. In â smâll bowl, stïr together the 2 teâspoons cornstârch ând 1 tâblespoon wâter. Stïr the mïxture ïnto the sâuce ïn the Instânt Pot. Cook on sâuté mode, stïrrïng, untïl the sâuce hâs thïckened, 2-3 mïnutes. Turn off the Instânt Pot ând remove the ïnner pot to stop the cookïng process.

11. Slïce the pork ând serve wïth the sâuce.
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