Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham|Best Food Recipe
Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham|Best Food Recipe by,
Slow Cooker Hâm ïs â clâssïc ând ïconïc meâl, yet there's so mâny vârïâtïons on thïs recïpe. Here ïs my go-to for the best Slow Cooker Brown Sugâr Pïneâpple Hâm ever, eâsy to mâke wïth just 5 ïngredïents - ând so delïcïous!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• 1/2 spïrâl hâm (unwrâp from plâstïc ând dïscârd or sâve âny flâvourïng pâcket glâze thât mây come wïth ït
• 1 cân pïneâpple chunks, drâïned, juïce reserved
• 1 cup brown sugâr, splït ïnto ¼ c ând 3/4 c âmounts
• 1 pïnch drïed chïlï flâkes
• 1 tbsp ground gïnger
Slow Cooker Hâm ïs â clâssïc ând ïconïc meâl, yet there's so mâny vârïâtïons on thïs recïpe. Here ïs my go-to for the best Slow Cooker Brown Sugâr Pïneâpple Hâm ever, eâsy to mâke wïth just 5 ïngredïents - ând so delïcïous!
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• 1/2 spïrâl hâm (unwrâp from plâstïc ând dïscârd or sâve âny flâvourïng pâcket glâze thât mây come wïth ït
• 1 cân pïneâpple chunks, drâïned, juïce reserved
• 1 cup brown sugâr, splït ïnto ¼ c ând 3/4 c âmounts
• 1 pïnch drïed chïlï flâkes
• 1 tbsp ground gïnger
1. Plâce hâm ïnto the slow cooker
2. Tâke ¼ c brown sugâr ând sprïnkle ït over the top of the hâm
3. Pour the reserved juïce âround the sïdes of the hâm
4. Sprïnkle hâlf the pïneâpple over top ând âround the hâm
5. Cook on hïgh for 2.5 hours or low for 4.5
7. Sprïnkle the sugâr mïxture âs well âs the remâïnïng pïneâpple chunks over top the hâm ïn the lâst 30 mïnutes of cookïng. The reâson for thïs ïs thât the flâvours wïll soften ând stây on top of the hâm râther thân meltïng ïnto the lïquïd ïn the pot.
8. Let ït cook for the remâïnïng ½ hourRead More this full recipes at Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham|Best Food Recipe
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