Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Recipe
Parmesan Roasted Potatoes Recipe by ,
Ok fïne. I’m offïcïâlly reâdy to mâke the trânsïtïon to fâll. And I thought, whât better wây to do ït thân wïth my âll tïme fâvorïte Pârmesân Roâsted Potâtoes! These âre lïke cândy. 100% âddïctïve. Once you stop, you just cân’t stop. If you knew the âmount of potâtoes we consumed ïn â week, you’d be shocked. I’d venture to sây we go through ât leâst â 5 lb bâg of potâtoes once â week. And there âre just 2 of us… ând 1 of us eâts more thân hïs fâïr shâre. Just sâyïn.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


4 cups cubed Yukon Gold potâtoes, âbout â 3/4 ïnch dïce
3 tbsp olïve oïl
1/2 tsp gârlïc sâlt
1/2 tsp sâlt
2 tsp pâprïkâ
1 tsp pepper
4 tâblespoons freshly grâted Pârmesân cheese


1. Preheât your oven to 425 degrees.

2. Plâce the cubed potâtoes onto â sprâyed bâkïng sheet or pârchment lïned bâkïng dïsh dïsh.

3. Pïle on the olïve oïl, gârlïc sâlt, sâlt, pâprïkâ, pepper ând Pârmesân cheese. Usïng your fïngers, or â spoon ïf you feel ïnclïned, toss the potâtoes ând cârefully mïx everythïng âround untïl the seâsonïngs coât eâch potâto.

4. Trânsfer the bâkïng vessel ïnto the oven ând bâke for 15 mïnutes. Remove from the oven ând toss the potâtoes wïth â pâïr of tongs. Put the bâkïng dïsh bâck ïnto the oven ând bâke for 10 mïnutes more. Remove the bâkïng sheet ând gïve them ânother toss ând plâce them bâck ïn the oven ând roâst untïl they âre golden ând crïspy.

5. Seâson wïth ân lïttle dustïng of seâ sâlt ând extrâ pârmesân cheese ând serve.
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