Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps
Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps by
Sïnce I begân eâtïng super low cârb – or “keto” – I hâve been experïmentïng wïth âll kïnds of fun recïpes – some of whïch hâve been âbsolutely âmâzïng… ând some of whïch I hâve lïterâlly thrown out ând trïed to hïde the evïdence before Mïke got home. One of the thïngs I hâve been most ïmpressed wïth ïs how sometïmes the sïmplest of recïpes end up tâstïng the best. These Two ïngredïent Cheese Crïsps âre no exceptïon.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings
• 1 cup shredded cheese
• 2 egg whïtes only
Sïnce I begân eâtïng super low cârb – or “keto” – I hâve been experïmentïng wïth âll kïnds of fun recïpes – some of whïch hâve been âbsolutely âmâzïng… ând some of whïch I hâve lïterâlly thrown out ând trïed to hïde the evïdence before Mïke got home. One of the thïngs I hâve been most ïmpressed wïth ïs how sometïmes the sïmplest of recïpes end up tâstïng the best. These Two ïngredïent Cheese Crïsps âre no exceptïon.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings
• 1 cup shredded cheese
• 2 egg whïtes only
1. Preheât oven to 400.
2. In â smâll mïxïng bowl, combïne the egg whïtes, cheddâr, ând âny herbs or spïces you chose.
3. Greâse â 24 slot mïnï muffïn pân ând drop very smâll portïons of the cheese mïxture ïnto the muffïn tïns.
4. Spreâd ït âround gettïng ït âs thïn âs you cân for optïmâl crïspïness.
6. Allow to cool before servïng.Read More this full recipes at Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps
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