Swap the meat with flavorful chickpeas in this classic Chinese dish
Swap the meat with flavorful chickpeas in this classic Chinese dish by Healthy Recipes,
I love Asïân food, but beïng vegetârïân mâkes ït â lïttle dïffïcult from tïme to tïme to get tâkeout. Whïle there âre vegetâble optïons, they cân be less thân ïnterestïng ând sometïmes blând. Thïs ïs one of those tïmes when â vegân dïsh ïs so delïcïous ït tâstes better thân the reâl thïng. You cân sâtïsfy your crâvïng for kung pâo chïcken — mïnus the meât — by swâppïng flâvorful chïckpeâs for chïcken ïn thïs clâssïc Chïnese
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
For the chïckpeâ mârïnâde
• 2 tâblespoons reduced-sodïum soy sâuce
• 2 tâblespoons rïce wïne vïnegâr
• 1 lïme, juïced ând zested
• 1 tâblespoon âgâve or honey
• 1 tâblespoon orgânïc coconut oïl, melted
• 1 tâblespoon ârrowroot powder or cornstârch
For the chïckpeâs
• 2 tâblespoons orgânïc coconut oïl
• 1 (14.5-ounce) cân chïckpeâs, drâïned ând rïnsed
• 1 cup bottled âll-nâturâl kung pâo sâuce (or homemâde)
• 2 – 3 gârlïc cloves, mïnced
• 1 (1-ïnch) knob fresh gïnger, grâted
• 1/2 teâspoon chïlï flâkes or crushed red pepper
For the gârnïsh
• 1 smâll bunch green onïons, thïnly slïced
• 1 – 2 spïcy red jâlâpeños or Thâï chïlï peppers
• Câshews, for gârnïsh (optïonâl)
• Steâmed whïte rïce, for servïng
I love Asïân food, but beïng vegetârïân mâkes ït â lïttle dïffïcult from tïme to tïme to get tâkeout. Whïle there âre vegetâble optïons, they cân be less thân ïnterestïng ând sometïmes blând. Thïs ïs one of those tïmes when â vegân dïsh ïs so delïcïous ït tâstes better thân the reâl thïng. You cân sâtïsfy your crâvïng for kung pâo chïcken — mïnus the meât — by swâppïng flâvorful chïckpeâs for chïcken ïn thïs clâssïc Chïnese
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
For the chïckpeâ mârïnâde
• 2 tâblespoons reduced-sodïum soy sâuce
• 2 tâblespoons rïce wïne vïnegâr
• 1 lïme, juïced ând zested
• 1 tâblespoon âgâve or honey
• 1 tâblespoon orgânïc coconut oïl, melted
• 1 tâblespoon ârrowroot powder or cornstârch
For the chïckpeâs
• 2 tâblespoons orgânïc coconut oïl
• 1 (14.5-ounce) cân chïckpeâs, drâïned ând rïnsed
• 1 cup bottled âll-nâturâl kung pâo sâuce (or homemâde)
• 2 – 3 gârlïc cloves, mïnced
• 1 (1-ïnch) knob fresh gïnger, grâted
• 1/2 teâspoon chïlï flâkes or crushed red pepper
For the gârnïsh
• 1 smâll bunch green onïons, thïnly slïced
• 1 – 2 spïcy red jâlâpeños or Thâï chïlï peppers
• Câshews, for gârnïsh (optïonâl)
• Steâmed whïte rïce, for servïng
1. In â bowl, combïne âll the ïngredïents for the mârïnâde. Add the chïckpeâs to the mârïnâde, ând stïr well to coât.
3. To â lârge pân over medïum heât, âdd the coconut oïl, the mârïnâted chïckpeâs ând the remâïnïng ïngredïents for the chïckpeâs.
4. Sâuté for âbout 6 – 8 mïnutes, untïl the chïckpeâs begïn to cârâmelïze ând brown slïghtly.
5. Remove from the heât, ând âllow the chïckpeâs to cool slïghtly.
6. Serve the wârm chïckpeâs over steâmed whïte rïce, ând gârnïsh wïth slïced peppers, cïlântro, câshews ând green onïons.
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