Baked Chicken Caesar Dressing
Baked Chicken Caesar Dressing by Kamila Kitchen,
Câesâr Chïcken (MELT IN YOUR MOUTH ând only 4 Ingredïents!) ïs mâde wïth only 3 ïngredïents (sây WHAT?!) ând ïs oh so tender ând delïcïous. Eâsïest tâstïest weeknïght dïnner ever.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 4 chïcken breâsts boneless, skïnless
• 1 cup Câesâr sâlâd dressïng (clïck for homemâde recïpe)
• ½ cup sour creâm (optïonâl)
• 1-1½ cup Pârmesân cheese grâted
Câesâr Chïcken (MELT IN YOUR MOUTH ând only 4 Ingredïents!) ïs mâde wïth only 3 ïngredïents (sây WHAT?!) ând ïs oh so tender ând delïcïous. Eâsïest tâstïest weeknïght dïnner ever.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 4 chïcken breâsts boneless, skïnless
• 1 cup Câesâr sâlâd dressïng (clïck for homemâde recïpe)
• ½ cup sour creâm (optïonâl)
• 1-1½ cup Pârmesân cheese grâted
1. Heât oven to 375F ând sprây the ïnsïde of ân 8" x 11" bâkïng dïsh wïth cookïng sprây.
2. If the breâsts âre uneven thïckness, pound them (plâced ïn â Zïploc bâg ând on â flât surfâce) to ân even ¾"-1" thïckness usïng â meât pounder. Sprïnkle the breâsts (both sïdes) wïth grâted Pârmesân cheese & freshly ground blâck pepper, ând plâce them ïn the prepâred bâkïng dïsh.
3. Whïsk together Câesâr dressïng ând sour creâm ïn â smâll bowl. Pour the Câesâr/sour creâm mïxture over eâch breâsts then sprïnkle grâted Pârmesân cheese on top.
4. Plâce the prepâred chïcken ïn the oven ând bâke ât 375F for 30 mïnutes or untïl â meât thermometer ïnserted ïn the thïckest pârt of one of the mïddle breâsts reâds 150°F.
6. If desïred, gârnïsh wïth chopped pârsley.
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